Tuesday, September 30, 2008
final blogspot#5
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Final blogspot#4
KBS is a computer system that programmed immediate human problem-solving based on the method and techniques of artificial intelligence. Artificial intellligence is the activity of providing such machines as computers with the ability to display behavior that would be regarded as intelligent if it were observed in humans.
Distinguish KBS from MIS
KBS is used an artificial intelligence in solving some problem in the organization while MIS is used in the business as a generic references to all technologies and it is also refer to the group of information management methods to support human decision.
Illustrate (give examples) how KBS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.
One of the example of KBS is the information overload that cause a critical problem in the in both military and commercial decision making processes, so KBS provide a flexible, user definable and highly scalable solution to these problems by wedding intelligent multi-agent software with a user-focused graphical interface to provide improved decision making in dynamic environments and improved situational awareness. The business organizations become more vital to the organizational mission, they also grow larger, faster, more complex, more heterogeneous, and more difficult to protect.
Wikipedia.com, www.sentar.com, MIS seventh edition by: Raymond Mcleod, Jr.
Final blogspot#3
Virtual Office is an environment that enables a network of co-workers to run a business efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies. It is a shared office services, which normally includes business address, mail & courier services, phone services, fax services, answering services, web-hosting services, and meeting & conference facilities.
Distinguish VO from MIS
VO is almost taken literally; it has the address of an office, the telephone number of an office and even the meeting room of an office except for the one determining factor that you are not in the office, you are just running a business efficiently by using online communication technologies. Management Information Systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization.
Illustrate (give examples) how VO can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.
One of the examples of it is, in giving some services to the costumer with the help of this virtual office the company can give a better business services such as an answering services to their consumers complains. VO can help the company’s competitive advantage in terms of looking for the right location to improve the corporate image of the company.
Monday, September 22, 2008
final blogspot#2
Decision Support Systems (DSS) - are a specific class of computerized information system that supports business and organizational decision-making activities. A properly-designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and/or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. DSS is not intended to provide support to humans about structured issues since little cognitively based decision support is generally needed.
- Distinguish DDS from MIS
DDS is a computer based system that supports the technological and managerial by assisting in the organizational knowledge about ill- structured, semistructured, or unstructured issues. DDS analyze a specific situation and it can be modified as the practitioner wishes and models are constructed and decisions analyzed. Planning and forecasting are facilitated. MIS is a subset of overall internal controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures that used by management accountants to solving some business problems of the organization. It also provides an answer to and that integrates decision maker into a system as a component. The system utilizes quantitative techniques as regression, linear programming, and financial planning modeling.
- Illustrate {give examples} on how DDS can improve company’s competitive advantage and organizational performance.
DDS can improve the company’s competitive advantage by having a computerized management information system that can help the business owners and the organization easily resolved their complicated business problem. Having a good decision support system can the organization a wide variety of functions including cash flow analysis, concept ranking, forecasting, product performance improvement and resource allocation analysis. For example you are doing an immediate planning for the extension (new branch) of your business because of the computerized information system you made fast and better decision to your business, it is competitive advantage to your competitors making a better decision in a just a lessen of time.
wikipedia and wikianswers.com
Friday, September 12, 2008
final blogspot # 1
Environmental Data Solutions Group, LLC (EDSG) integrates information technology innovations to optimize environmental, health and safety performance. Our core purpose is to provide innovative solutions and inordinate service to our clients as they pursue EHS excellence.Developing a strategic EHS MIS direction allows companies to move forward with EHS MIS projects that support overall management system objectives. A strategic planning effort can identify and prioritize near and long-term EHS MIS initiatives based on need, as well as develop high level scheduling and budgetary estimates. The EHS MIS strategic planning process is intended to define high level business needs, assess current systems for their ability to meet these needs, and develop a strategic framework for moving forward.EDSG has developed numerous proprietary tools and processes that facilitate strategic planning including the following: SPF, KMR, and Legacy Review.Detailed Design
After completing the strategic plan and establishing EHS MIS priorities, the priority topics are typically addressed in detail. The detailed design involves defining requirements, assessing solution options, further defining economics, and documenting the design. This will allow companies to quickly address priority topics in sufficient design to immediately and rapidly begin building the system. EDSG detailed designs address and incorporate both COTS and custom components as needed.EDSG incorporates the following proprietary tools and methods into the detailed design process: ARD Templates and ARD Workshops, COTS Specification, and Architect Specification. AnAdditional element often included in the detailed design is EDSG's cost/benefit analysis. EDSG has developed proprietary methods to quantify both direct and INDIRECT benefits. Indirect benefits include risk and liability avoidance and are estimated by considering the company history, forecasting possible future scenarios by running probabilistic simulations using Monte Carlo simulations.Their EHS MIS services range from the earliest stages of strategic planning and defining and selecting software products through solution design, pilot testing systems, conducting gap analysis, and implementation.EDSG provides environmental compliance services for customers who require value and top-level client service. We provide senior level strategy and planning assistance as well as detailed day-to-day compliance services where our staff acts as extensions of our client's staff.Every company specially her in the philippines designs strategic plans to achieve their set objectives and goals. These plans can be short, medium, or long-term, according to the size and scope of the company. It is very important that the company specifies accurately and carefully its mission. The mission is fundamental since it represents the operative functions that the company is going to perform in the market and supply to the consumers, with Strategic Planning the aim is to focus on those objectives that are possible to achieve and in what business or area to compete, in correspondence with the opportunities and threats that the environment offers and also it will affect the future status of the company.
Sue Gornick
Environmental Division, Paramount Refinery,